Fresno K-16 Collaborative Executive Steering Committee
Link to Meeting Materials:
Opening: Meeting called to order by Chair Goldsmith at 3:02 p.m.
Present: Chair C. Goldsmith (FCC), J. Jones (FPU), L. Bennett (Clovis CC), J. Buckley (Reedley), X. Fu (Fresno State), T. Lopez (SUSD), C. Nies (UC Merced), J. Allen (National), K. Boone (Clovis USD), T. Overstreet (FUSD), R. Aguila (FCSS), V. Madrid-Salazar (CVHEC)
Jacobo-Roush (FCSS), D. van Dam (Reedley) E. Berg (RC), G. Sangha (FCC) , J. Nino (SUSD), J. Bedolla (Reedley), J. Olson-Buchanan (Fresno State), L. Hoff (FPU), M. Stricker (CCC Guided Pathways), R. Nunna (Fresno State), R. Yerrick (Fresno State), R. Ramirez (FCC), R. Pimentel (FCC), S. Salinas (Clovis USD), T. Woods (FCC), K. Hammerstrom (Fresno K-16), A. Banks (Fresno K- 16), S. Lambert (Fresno K-16)
M/S/Approved: Approval of August 5, 2021 Minutes – Motion by President J. Jones (FPU), Second by Dean R. Nunna (Fresno State). Motion passed.
New Business:
- State Budget, Next Steps Discussion –
- $250M statewide budget language detail identifies pathway areas: Healthcare; Education; Business management; Engineering or Computing. Steering Committee directed the creation of a small ad hoc committee to discuss comments and recommendations to develop formal recommendations for consideration at 12/2/21 meeting. Doodle Poll will be sent out to determine date for the first ad hoc committee meeting. Ad hoc committee members:
Chair President Goldsmith (FCC)
Vice Chair President Jimenez-Sandoval (Fresno State)
Dean Ram Nunna (Fresno State)
President Jerry Buckley (Reedley)
President Lori Bennett (Clovis CC)
Tim Lopez (SUSD)
Dr. Linda Hoff (FPU)
Karen Boone (Clovis USD)
Jessica Gladney (NU)
Karri Hammerstrom (FK16C)
- Discussion re: participation with DRIVE in two federal Dept. of Commerce grant applications as applicable. M/S/Approved: Support the Fresno K-16 Collab’s participation in the Build Back Better Regional Challenge and the Good Jobs Challenge (either or both): Motion by President J. Jones, Second by President L. Bennett (Clovis CC). Motion passes to participate in both grants.
- Project Highlight – Cradle to Career Unique ID – Goal is to have Fresno County Dual Enrollment Dashboard Participation completed by December 2021. Data will help remove barrier to college success and inform 1) successful transitions; 2) align institutions; and 3) improve policy and practice. To date, 11/19 districts’ data has been collected. Data Sharing Agreement has been signed by partners-FCSS, Central Unified, Clovis Unified, Fresno Unified, Sanger Unified, Fresno Pacific, Fresno State, SCCCD (CCC, FCC, MCC, RC). Presentation slides can be found here.
- Project Highlight – FK16’s CVHEC’s Equity, Race and Social Justice Ad hoc Committee Preliminary Survey Findings – Consists of three workgroups: Equitable Recovery Workgroup, Framework and Integration Workgroup, and Regional Scan Workgroup. Survey went to the colleges within the region; data still being reviewed. Work done to date demonstrates a pulse of what’s currently being done. Plans for the FK16C to work with FCC and K12s to develop a survey for K12s.
- Executive Director Updates –
- Partners need to invoice monthly for project expenses. Link to project invoices received as of October 8, 2021 can be found here.
- Kudos to Bank and Berg for the tutoring collaboration, as well as Collaborative Partners
- Upskilling 3.0 underway (FPU and NU)
- December meeting will be Zoom only
- Reminder of key dates (see below)
- Roundtable – Comment shared on the need to develop teacher confidence and the development of a STEM Education Pathway, and determine what attracts students to careers at the middle school age; position tutoring as a positive tool for students.
Meeting adjourned at 4:24 p.m.