Fresno-Madera K-16 Collaborative Executive Steering Committee
June 10, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Link to Meeting Materials:
Opening: Meeting called to order by Chair C. Goldsmith at 3:04 p.m.
Present: Chair C. Goldsmith (SCCCD), J. Yovino (FCSS), A. Jones (Sanger USD), B. Nelson (FUSD), C. Nies (UC Merced), J. Buckley (Reedley), J. Gladney (NU), P. Birrell (Central USD), R. Pimentel (FCC), J. Olson-Buchanan (Fresno State), A. Jacobo-Rousch (FCSS), B. Cortes (FCSS), H. Gutierrez (FCSS), T. Pafford (FCSS), J. Bedolla (Reedley), N. Culver-Dockins (Reedley), F. Mercado (Fresno State), P. Lopez (Fresno State), M. Snell (CTFF), S. McManus (FCC), T. Overstreet (Fresno USD), K. Hammerstrom (FMK16), S. Lambert (FMK16), L. Flores (FMK16)
Partners Absent: CVHEC, Fresno Pacific, UMass Global, Clovis CC, Clovis USD
M/S/Approved: Approval of April 8, 2022, Meeting Minutes. Motion by J. Buckley (Reedley). Second by C. Nies (UC Merced). Motion passes.
Regional K-16 Collab Grant Award Announcement: Our Collab is one of six collabs to be awarded full award amount of $18.13M. It was originally thought that the full award amount was $20M, however, the State has taken money off the top bringing the actual total to the $18.13M.
M/S/Approved: Revised budget at $18.13M. Motion by J. Yovino (FCSS). Second by B. Nelson (FUSD). Motion passes.

Next steps timeline:

M/S/Approved: 2022-2026 Slate. Motion by B. Nelson. Second by A. Jones (Sanger USD). Motion passes-roll call vote, unanimous.
Fresno-Madera K-16 Collaborative – Executive Steering Committee 2022-2026
Organization | Primary Contact Name | Primary Contact Title |
State Center Community College District | Carole Goldsmith, Chair | Chancellor |
Fresno State | Saul Jimenez-Sandoval | President |
Bitwise | Michelle Skoor | Chief Workforce Officer |
California Teaching Fellows Foundation | Mike Snell | Chief Executive Officer |
Central Unified | Ketti Davis | Superintendent |
Central Valley Higher Education Consortium | Ben Duran | Executive Director |
Chawanakee Unified School District | Marcy Guthrie | Superintendent |
Clovis Community College | Lori Bennett | President |
EECU | Beth Dooley | President and CEO |
Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified School District | Roy Mendiola | Superintendent |
Fresno City College | Robert Pimentel | President |
Fresno County Superintendent of Schools | Jim Yovino | Superintendent |
Fresno Unified School District | Bob Nelson | Superintendent |
Futuro Health | Joy Hermsen | Director of Innovative |
Golden Valley Unified School District | Kevin Hatch | Superintendent |
Madera Community College | Angel Reyna | President |
Madera County Superintendent of Schools | Cecilia Massetti | Superintendent |
Madera Unified School District | Todd Lile | Superintendent |
National University | Randy Frisch | Interim President |
Parlier Unified School District | Altagracia Guerrero | Superintendent |
Reedley College | Jerry Buckley | President |
Sanger Unified School District | Adela Jones | Superintendent |
STEM Business Partner | Nicolyn Hernandez | Principal Program Manager |
United Way of Fresno and Madera Counties | Lindsay Fox | President and CEO |
UC Merced | Juan Sanchez Munoz | Chancellor |
UMass Global | Gary Brahm | Chancellor |
West Fresno Family Resource Center | Yolanda Randles | Executive Director |
West Hills College Coalinga | Carla Tweed | President |
Workforce Development Board of Madera | Tracie Scott-Contreras | Executive Director |
2022-23 Meeting Dates:
Executive Steering Committee
Meeting Dates
- Friday, Aug. 19, 2022, 3-4:30p
- Friday, Oct. 14, 2022, 3-4:30p
- Friday, Dec. 2, 2022, 3-4:30p
- Friday, Feb. 24, 2023, 3-4:30p
- Friday, April 14, 2023, 3-4:30p
- Thursday, June 8, 2023, 3-4:30p
Central San Joaquin Valley K-16 Partnership Advisory Council
Tentative Meeting Dates
- Friday, March 3, 2023, 9-11am (in person & Zoom)
- Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2023, 9-11am (Zoom)
Pilot Program Culmination:
a) Draft Final Progress Report has been sent out to Steering Committee members and project leads. Comments are due to K. Hammerstrom by noon on Monday, 6/13/22.
b) Final Expenditure Report – $8.4M expended (84%), $1.6M unexpended (16%). OPR hinted there may be an opportunity to receive additional funding in the future; no additional information available at this time.
Presentation: A. Jacobo-Rousch (FCSS) gave presentation regarding the Cradle to Career Dual Enrollment dashboard and key findings.
Executive Director Updates: 1) NEW- Partner surveys for Steering Committee meeting feedback; 2) Volunteers need to review project applications in Oct/Nov 2022.
Good of the Order & Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 4:03 p.m.