Fresno K-16 Collaborative Executive Steering Committee
December 2, 2021, Meeting Minutes
Link to Meeting Materials:
Opening: Meeting called to order by Executive Director K. Hammerstrom at 3:03 p.m.
Present: Chair C. Goldsmith (FCC), J. Jones (FPU), J. Yovino (FCSS), B. Duran (CVHEC), C. Nies (UC Merced), J. Buckley (Reedley), J. Olson-Buchanan (Fresno State), P. Birrell (Central), T. Lopez (Sanger), R. Forlenzo (UMass), E. Cunha (National), J. Ward (FUSD), S. Salinas (Clovis USD)
A. Jacobo-Roush (FCSS), D. van Dam (Reedley), E. Berg (Reedley), H. Gutierrez (FCSS), G. Sangha (FCC), J. Bedolla (Reedley), L. Hoff (FPU), R. Yerrick (Fresno State), R. Ramirez (FCC), R. Aguila (FCSS), R. Pimentel (FCC), J. Spevak (CVHEC), S. Watkins (SCAEC/SCCCD), S. McManus (FCC), T. Woods (FCC), T. Overstreet (FUSD), K. Hammerstrom (Fresno K-16), S. Lambert (Fresno K-16), A. Banks (Fresno K-16)
M/S/Approved: Approval of October 8, 2021 Minutes – Motion by President J. Jones (FPU), Second by President J. Buckley (Reedley). Motion passed.
New Business:
- State Funding Timeline and Overview –New RFP has not been released for the award of the $250 million for K16 collaborative funding. The RFP is anticipated to be released in March 2022 with the award being announced by May 11, 2022.
- Legislative requirements (SB 129, Sec 244 are:
- Must include a UC, CSU, CCC
- 25% industry/local employers board composition
- Participate in C2C Data System
- 4 of 7 Recover with Equity Recommendations
- Min. 2 pathways: Healthcare; Education; Business Management; Engineering or Computing
- Legislative requirements (SB 129, Sec 244 are:
- Collab 2.0 Recommendations from Ad Hoc Committee –Recommendation from the Ad Hoc Committee for further discussion in January 2022 and a facilitated discussion sometime in February 2022. Look for Doodle Poll.
- Fresno K-16 Vision Statement of Support –Similar to the Dual Enrollment Statement of Support. Motion made by President J. Buckley (Reedley) to move forward. Second by President J. Jones (FPU). Motion passed.
- Reallocation of Funding Resource Protocol –Almost $7.4 million in funds programmed, but still need to be invoiced. If partners are not going to be able to spend all of their funds by the March 31, 2022, deadline they need to request a meeting asap with the Collaborative to discuss programmatic options.
- Executive Director Updates –
- Partner comments due to Hammerstrom no later than December 16, 2021, for the Progress Report 2.
- Collab’s new website will launch in January 2022.
- Commitment for Program Mapper needs to affirmed. Meeting Adjourned at 3:40 p.m.

March 31, 2022: Period of performance for each grant award concludes.
April 15, 2022: Final invoicing for expenditure through March 31, 2022 due.
April 15, 2022: Final Report 3 summarizing student outcomes through the end of the performance period and projected to the end of the Academic Year 2021-22
K-16 Collaborative Steering Committee Meeting Dates for 2021-22:
(ZOOM, unless notified otherwise)
Thursday, Dec. 2, 2021, 3-4:30pm
Friday, Feb. 4, 2022, 3-4:30pm
Friday, April 1, 2022, 3-4:30pm
Friday, June 10, 2022, 3-4:20pm