February 5, 2021

Fresno K-16 Collaborative Executive Steering Committee

3:00 – 4:30 pm

Meeting URL:https://zoom.us/j/98979313044?pwd=RXd6aSthZ3JCdkFmaTJBOVRpNCsxdz09
Meeting ID:989 7931 3044
Link to Meeting Materialshttps://tinyurl.com/FK16C-SCFeb421


  1. Chair President Carole Goldsmith
  2. December 4, 2020 meeting minutes
  3. Karri Hammerstrom
    1. http://capostsecondaryforall.org is LIVE & shares their work, including initiatives: The Recovery With Equity Taskforce & The Fresno K-16 Collaborative
    2. CVHEC Newsletter, CCC Chancellor’s Office Vision in Action, Jan 28, 2021
  4. Hammerstrom
  5. (3 min) – Hammerstrom
    1. March 19, 2021:  Progress Report 1 summarizing plan implementation to date, activities and student cohort data to date.
    2. Progress Report 2 summarizing student outcomes to date (Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021 cohort enrollments).
    3. : Period of performance for each grant award concludes.
    4. : Final invoicing for expenditure through December 31, 2021 due.
    5. summarizing student outcomes through the end of the performance period and projected to the end of the Academic Year 2021-22
  6. – Pathway Co-Leads
      1. Accounting and Fiscal Management/ Dual Enrollment (Goldsmith/Jiménez-Sandoval) (update 3/5/21)
      2. Engineering/ Dual Enrollment (Buckley/Jiménez-Sandoval) (update 3/5/21)
  7. Collaborative Partners
  8. Goldsmith / Hammerstrom
      1. Friday, June 4 ,2021, 3:00-4:30pm