Project #22

Teachers of Color – Alliance of Educational Empowerment (TCAEE)

K-16 Collaborative is working to support the goals of equity and diversity among teachers.

This collaboration with Central Unified establishes an equity-oriented pipeline to support minority students to become teachers—starting in middle school through completion of the credential program—by implementing an important research-based positive support practice.


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Research has suggested that teachers of color are more motivated to work with minority students, and our current teacher demographics do not mirror the student population. Working to achieve equity, Fresno County Superintendent of Schools (FCSS) is building a system that supports minority students to become teachers. 

FCSS is creating a pipeline of recruiting and supporting students of color, starting in middle school through high school and college, to completion of a teaching credential. The implementation of the Teacher of Color Alliance of Educational Empowerment will be the first of its kind in the region, establishing a system that supports minority students to become teachers by creating an important research-based positive support practice—which is to have culturally, proficiently trained teachers who will be ensuring the success of selected students of color. The program will also increase the social emotional and academic support for minority students resulting in a more positive K-12 experience, including dual enrollment while in high school.