Fresno-Madera K-16 Collaborative

A community effort to create a better future through
pathways to college and careers for all.

About the Fresno-Madera K-16 Collaborative

The Fresno-Madera K-16 Collaborative is Fresno’s commitment to strengthen our community by providing pathways to college and careers – for all.

Our Focus


Increase Graduates

Increase the number of graduates with post-secondary degrees in high-growth, high-wage industries

Reduce Disparities

Reduce racial and ethnic economic disparities in degree attainment and the labor market

Improve Graduation Rates

Improve graduation rates and shorten time to completion for associate’s and bachelor’s degrees

College & Career Pathways

Every person can achieve a better life, regardless of where they start. All types of learners are able to enter the program and get on a college-to-career pathway in fields with living and high wage salaries that support economic mobility and growth such as engineering, accounting and financial management, teaching and more.

Partner Highlight

Fresno Unified School District

Fresno Unified School District

offers intersegmental pathways that create a seamless transition for students to access and be successful in post-secondary education through dual enrollment classes, work-based learning opportunities and wrap-around services.

Learn More

Hear what our students have to say about the impact of dual enrollment and the Fresno-Madera K-16 Collaborative on their education, families and future.

Fresno-Madera Higher Ed For All

Have questions about the
Fresno-Madera K-16 Collaborative?
Get in touch with us today.

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